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Showing posts from August, 2016

Bulldog Trek 2016

The Bulldog Trek is an annual PTO fundraiser. This fundraiser brings in the most money for the PTO. Last year we were able to raise around $9000. This year the goal is to raise $15,000.  There are many projects that the school needs help with, including playground improvements, school grounds painting and more. The funds raised also helps to pay for Mr. Roberson, our Music Teacher who visits the children's classrooms once every other week. Mr. Roberson isn't the only program that PTO funds. PTO helps to fund 6th grade Science Camp and Family activities at the school. This year the Bulldog Trek will be held on September 15th during school time. Students help us fundraise by getting pledges from friends, family members or the community, either a flat donation or a rate per lap. Students will walk, jog or run as many laps as possible during the Trek. Top fundraisers will get to choose from the grand prizes. The prizes include a Chromebook, a Kindle Fire with case and $50 A